Friday, March 9, 2012

Modern experiments

One of the coolest Modern experiment art I read about in this chapter was the over head shot or birds eye view art. in Umbo weird street photo it was crazy how small and little the people look and how crammed they were but yet its a huge street. I saw a similarity in this Photo by Tyler Brill it gives you the overhead shot view in a high school hall way. Tyler is on top of the lockers but he seems so much bigger. one of his feet is three times as big as one person. its very unique how looking down below on something makes it look so much tinnier. this picture the  student look jammed against each other and seem so small just because of the overhead view. I think its a cool modern art experiment artist should use more.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I don't know where you got that story and that source but this is my photo, I am the author and it and I was in a museum when I did. Who created that text on it? I hope you review this please.
    Thank you
    (sorry my english)

    Fabio Costa
