Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jerry Uelsmann's Manipulated Photography

Jerry Uelsmanns was born in Detroit, Michigan and at a young age he was fascinated by photography. He believed that through photography he could exist outside of himself, to live in a world captured through the lens. He went on to get his degree at Rochester Institute of Technology and then became a professor of photography at the University of Florida. Manipulated photography is the application of imagine editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception. The Unique thing about Jerry is that in a time when digital photography and Photoshop did not exist he was still able to create images that seemed to come from scenes in your dream. He spent countless hours in the dark room to create these images. In this photograph called Tree House he use two different imagines and combines them to make a beautiful piece. He’s trying to symbolize that where you live and grow up is the roots in your life. The area you grow up in helps build character and make you who you are, that’s why we’re all different. Jerry always liked to stress the idea that photography is not an art that can be contained; it can be pushed as far as your dreams will go.

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